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- 24/7 Registration In Our Database
- Official Eco Friendly Paperless Certificate (You WILL NOT receive a hard copy of the certificate)
The paperless "Service Dog Registration Certificate" is an extremely convenient confirmation. You will never need to replace it because it is a PDF file and there is NO expiration date. Your certificate will last for the life of your Service Dog. You can pull it up anywhere and anytime. Your registration certificate will be emailed to you within 1 to 2 business days!
* You will receive a SERVICE DOG digital Certificate. Your dog will be registered at Federal Service Dog Registration as a SERVICE DOG.
The information you provide is the information we will use to create your personal Certificate. Be certain to verify the accuracy of the information you provide, as there will be no refunds for inaccurate spellings or information. Thank you for your attention to detail. It is appreciated by your Top Dog Products team.