If you love your pet, give them PAWGANICS PLUS+ every day
A cost-effective Vitamin, Mineral and Hydration Supplement for cats and dogs.
In the wild, animals naturally eat raw and fresh food, while our pets at home are mainly fed cooked, processed, tinned and dry foods. As ‘Pet Parents’ it’s not always possible to feed our pets what they naturally eat, but we can ensure they are getting the adequate hydration and nutrients to stay super healthy and happy.
Veterinary recommended PAWGANICS PLUS+ was developed to help bridge the nutritional gap between what nature provides and what’s available in the shops. By giving your cat or dog the all-natural, vitamin and mineral packed nutrient supplement PAWGANICS PLUS+ daily, you can help ensure they live as long as possible and stay healthy enough to enjoy every day.
PAWGANICS PLUS+ breakthrough water-soluble formula helps ensure rapid absorption making it up to 9 X more effective than ordinary tablets and chews. Water soluble supplements generally have around 90% absorption rate compared with less than a usual 20% for normal tablet supplements. This helps make PAWGANICS PLUS+ incredibly effective for your pet and gives you huge value for money!
PAWGANICS PLUS+ can be particularly beneficial for cats and dog’s deficient in key vitamins and minerals and pets that lack their usual energy and vitality. Use it daily, in addition to their regular meals, to help maintain a balanced state of nutritional well-being. PAWGANICS PLUS+ can help your pet stay super healthy for life.
No more struggling with bulky tablets!
Cat and dog health supplements and vitamins are your pet’s best safeguard against most teeth, skin and coat conditions. They also can improve their health and structural integrity from the inside by providing the essential nutrients they require.
PAWGANICS PLUS+ eliminates the need for hard to swallow tablets that often end up on the floor. PAWGANICS PLUS+ is the only Vet recommended, all natural, soluble vitamin and mineral supplement for cats and dogs. Being water-soluble makes it easy to use and ensures an accurate dosage every time. By simply adding the recommended serve of PAWGANICS PLUS+ to your cat or dog’s water bowl daily, they can drink the amazing health benefits of natures’ superfoods packed with vitamins and minerals all day long! In addition, you can add PAWGANICS PLUS+ to your cat or dog’s wet or dry food.
Dogs and Cats just love the great taste of PAWGANICS PLUS+. Even the fussiest eaters can’t get enough!
Being soluble ensures maximum absorption. It increases the number of entry paths into your pet’s body, allowing absorption in your pet’s mouth and their oesophagus (food pipe) and as a result giving maximum benefits.
How PAWGANICS PLUS+ can help your cats and dogs
- Vet Recommended
- Boost energy, stamina and vitality
- Balance and support nutrition
- Rehydrate and replace lost cell salts
- Boost the immune system and maintain everyday health
- Improve blood circulation and help restore blood pH to normal levels
- Replace lost minerals, key vitamins and electrolytes
- Assist in the treatment of skin allergies
- Promote a healthy and shiny coat
- Promote mental / brain health and memory function
- Assist in joint function and support
- Promote optimum digestion
- Support healthy bowel function
Common Causes of Illness in Dogs and Cats
Dehydration is a common cause of illness in pets and is a serious problem that regularly affects both cats and dogs. Dehydration in pets can lead to serious health complications, such as depression, dementia and seizures. It can cause loss of cell salts and minerals and can even be fatal.
Dehydration occurs when our pets don’t get enough water. Water is the most important of all the nutrients. An animal can lose all of its fat and half of its protein and survive, but if it loses only 10% of its body water it will be seriously ill and can die. Pets don’t just lose water because of heat, exercise and stress but also because water is used by almost every function the animal body performs.
Given that our pets’ bodies are made of 80% water, this means that pets need regular and frequent amounts of clean water in order to stay healthy. It is our job as ‘pet parents’ to encourage them to drink the water they need.
Cats and dogs love the great taste of PAWGANICS PLUS+, so by simply adding the recommended daily dose to their water supply every day you can help encourage them to drink the water they need. The coconut water powder in PAWGANICS PLUS+ unique formula provides 5 key electrolytes that support rapid hydration. The blend of 7 nutrient rich vitamin and mineral packed superfoods can also help replenish any missing vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Size and Daily Dosage
Add one level teaspoon (5 grams) of PAWGANICS PLUS+ to your pet’s dry water bowl and add their usual level of water. OR sprinkle a teaspoon of PAWGANICS PLUS+ on your cat or dog’s wet or dry food daily,
A 150g pouch will last approximately one month when given daily.
When PAWGANICS PLUS+ is added to water, the water will turn a beetroot colour, which is PAWGANICS PLUS+ unique trademark, and always lets you know the vitamins and minerals are present and active in the water.
For sick, dehydrated, lethargic or nursing pets repeat up to 3 times per day. PAWGANICS PLUS+’S great tasting formula is great when added to your pets wet or dry food for an extra daily boost!
PAWGANICS PLUS+ should be given to your pet daily to maximise the long-term effects and benefits.
** Add extra water throughout the day as and when required. Replenish daily.
** Plant particles may settle in water over time
** PAWGANICS PLUS+ is a nutritional supplement and is NOT a meal replacement